
At K.B. Polychem we empower our people to be insightful, dedicated and proactive in our day-to-day goals. We have intimate knowledge of the market and our customers. We focus on practical and agile methods and solutions that make a difference in the market.


Leveraging our scale to make our customers satisfied and successful by consistently providing them with innovative quality products at competitive price while maintaining high ethical standards.


Consistently evolving our excellence into the subject matter and reinforcing supreme quality in furnishing goods and services that meet our customers needs.



K.B. Polychem (INDIA) Ltd.


F-25, Site C, UPSIDC Industrial Area,

Sikandra, Agra, 282007 Uttar Pradesh, India

+91 562-2970333/666


Why Choose Us?

  • image Consistent Quality
  • image Customized Solutions
  • image State of the art R&D
  • image Tech Savvy Customer Support
  • image Confidentiality of Trade Secrets
  • image Better Solutions. Better Prices.

For Professional Quality & Results, Work with the best.

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